About us


Our Mission

To equip our clients with reliable data, impartial research, and expert analytical services, enabling agile, strategic, and evidence-based decision-making in rapidly evolving environments.


Our Vision

To establish ourselves as a leading women-owned research company in the region contributing to sustainable growth, equality, and social impact.


Our Principles

Unwavering integrity. Adherence to the highest ethical standards. Professionalism in every detail. Deep respect for our clients.

Our People

  • Team Composition: Seven full-time researchers, supported by a network of over 40 enumerators and field staff across the country.
  • Expert Collaborations: Regular partnerships with more than 20 local and international subject matter experts.
  • Professional Networks: Established connections with both local and international research platforms, evaluation bodies, and academic institutions.
  • Leadership and Membership: Co-founders of the Armenian Monitoring and Evaluation Association (AMEA) and active members of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation.