Prisma’s First Evaluation Abroad: Idlib, Syria

Prisma completed the evaluation of World Vision project “Multi-Sector Life-Saving Response for Conflict Affected Communities in Idlib, Syria”. The project, funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), had the aim of saving lives and alleviating human suffering among conflict-affected women, girls, boys and men of Idlib Governorate in northern Syria.

At the time of project design, Idlib Governorate had been disproportionately affected by the Syrian crisis, drawing in an influx of internally displace persons (IDPs). The intensified clashes between the Government of Syria (GoS) and various Organized Armed Groups (OAG) caused a breakdown in social and basic infrastructure and services.

Primsa’s analysis showed a considerable change in the lives of the people and the community. Changing habits, attitudes and practices were manifested across the project. The project was carried out within three sectors: Health and NutritionWash and Protection. In order to ensure equity, the sectors were all available to people with vulnerability and disabilities, with their needs carefully considered. As a result of project implementation access to safe drinking water increased for 20% and sanitation & hygiene conditions improved for 37% of camp residents.

In addition:

3,107 newborns received essential newborn care services per month

12,745 births assisted by skilled attendant per month.

1,874 women and children with disabilities were able to access mobile health services

31,458 boys and girls 6-59 months were screened for malnutrition

43,419 women, men and children were reached with hygiene promotion activities

32,966 women participated in “community-based infant and young child feeding” sessions

7,280 student kits distributed to children

456 girls and boys who received specialized child protection services through case management